Sunday, 3 March 2013

Final Thoughts on the Assignment

Here it comes. The conclusion. From my previous posts, you may have an idea about my opinions. Let's just say that it wasn't all fun and games during this project. Not to say that I was expecting that, but with most projects, I expect to have at least a little bit of fun. I did not have much fun working on this project. Stress was present almost every time I worked on this. It was simply difficult to slave away and finish the abysmal 'literature' known as Last of the Crazy People (I use the term literature VERY loosely). Moreover, I was confused regarding the blogging, twitter and commenting on other's blogs. Luckily, that was cleared up, so I'm not going to complain about that. What I will rant on is the amount of technology used. I am not a fan of complicating things with technology. What happened to good old fashioned pencil and paper? Maybe it's because I'm not good with technology, but still, I didn't enjoy using so much technology. Even though I learned how to make a Pecha Kucha, I still would rather have had a Prezi. Pecha Kucha's are boring to watch and prezi's are more engaging. I would rather watch cool transitions than look at pictures on a big screen and hear people talk. You can be more creative with Prezi's as well. Simple as that. I didn't like how we had to read Canadian novels, either. Let's face it, not a lot of good media comes out of Canada. Yes, I am proud to call myself Canadian, but our books, films, and music aren't that great. Nickelback, Carly Rae Jepsen, Nelly Furtado, Drake, Justin Beiber need I say more? Yes, I have learned a lot about Canadian life during this assignment, but stress outweighed that by far. I'm glad I won't have to deal with that anymore.