Friday 15 February 2013

Growing on Me

Yesterday, I said that The Last of the Crazy People was dry, dull, and plain boring. Well I must say that it has grown on me. I'm not certain that I like it yet, but I must admit the story is getting a little more compelling. I just want to see how (and if) the characters develop and what happens to them. I'm still on the fence with this story. I don't know weather I like it or not yet, but I am enjoying the novel much more than I was yesterday. I suppose  I just had to get through the boring beginning. I think as I will read on, I will enjoy reading the book more. However, I don't really see a twist coming at the end like I've been told. I am foreseeing a cliche ending, since this is a novel about family. I have seen enough films about family to know how they all end: They make up and apologize and they all live happily ever after. I'm a sucker for good cliches. Back on topic, nothing major and exciting has happened yet. Hopefully something major will happen soon, hopefully a plot twist (although I don't really see what there is to twist as there's not much of a plot). Still, I am somewhat enjoying reading this. I am learning about how life was in the 60's, which is pretty interesting. I still won't take back about what I've said about the charecters being unlikeable. Good thing the story is keeping me engaged. I am patiently waiting for something major to happen, and when it does, I'll be sure to blog it.


  1. Surely you don't have to like the characters to make the reading good? I mean, Macbeth surely wasn't that likeable was he?

    Looking forward to seeing your group blow me away with your awesome Pecha Kucha. I think you guys have it in you to do something big...

  2. There were some characters I liked in Macbeth such as Banquo and Macduff which made reading that more enjoyable.
